Fine-tuned Personality Federated Learning for Graph Data


Federated Learning (FL) empowers multiple clients to collaboratively learn a global generalization model without the need to share their local data, thus reducing privacy risks and expanding the scope of AI applications. However, current works focus less on data in a highly nonidentically distributed manner such as graph data which are common in reality, and ignore the problem of model personalization between clients for graph data training in federated learning. In this paper, we propose a novel personality graph federated learning framework based on variational graph autoencoders that incorporates model contrastive learning and local fine-tuning to achieve personalized federated training on graph data for each client, which is called FedVGAE. Then we introduce an encoder-sharing strategy to the proposed framework that shares the parameters of the encoder layer to further improve personality performance. The node classification and link prediction experiments demonstrate that our method achieves better performance than other federated learning methods on most graph datasets in the non-iid setting. Finally, we conduct ablation experiments, the result demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method.

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Pengfei Jiao*
Pengfei Jiao*